Tuesday, November 18, 2008


8 TV shows I watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate HouseWives
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Little People Big World
5. John and Kate plus 8
6. Friends
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lifetime Movies

8 favorite restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Bajio
3. Zuppas
4. Wingers
5. Chili's
6. Carino's
7. California Pizza Kitchen
8. Taco Bell

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to class
2. made a cake
3. steph came home from Logan
4. at orange chicken
5. ran up the stadium stairs 3 times
6. went to the gym
7. ran around the school track
8. got pulled over by a police for the first time (no ticket given )

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Grant to come home
2. the end of this semester
3. next year
4. my birthday
5. moving back to Arizona
6. quitting my job
7. getting married one day
8. being done with school and low paying jobs

8 things on my wish list:
1. a 4.0 this semester
2. peace in my apartment
3. a coat
4. Grant to come home safe
5. a happy family on Christmas
6. a christmas candle
7. some new MAC and Chanel make-up
8. the dark brown middle length Uggs

8 things I love:
1. Grant
2. my family
3. warm weather
4. getting my education
5. a warm bed
6. the gym/ Hip Hop Hustle
7. my friends
8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

8 things I can't stand:
1. contention
2. winter
3. mean people
4. dirty things, places, and people
5. hard tests
6. icy roads
7. driving to Idaho Falls for work
8. annoying people

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