Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Louisa!

My baby sister is a teenager! I can not believe how much Louisa has grown up since I have left the house. I still remember her as a little baby and I for the life of me could not remember her name. Louisa and I have always had a special relationship. Whenever I come into town we always go get a smoothie, or a drink and go to Jump on It. Louisa is a very smart young lady who is full of energy and life. happy 13th birthday!

Home for a Week

I am home in Utah for the week and I have so much to do. I am going to write out my to do list and hope that everything gets done.

-go to costco
-clean my car
-go to lunch with jaycie, shan, and chelsea
-visit grandma walker
-play tennis with the family
-buy new make-up
-visit Jessica Seago
-learn a new song on the piano
-finish my english research paper
-substitute teach
-visit grant's family
-do at least 3 loads of laundry
-finish all health homework

well i better get started. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I got my hair done!

You can not really tell from the picture, but it is a reddish color. I love it


8 TV shows I watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate HouseWives
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Little People Big World
5. John and Kate plus 8
6. Friends
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lifetime Movies

8 favorite restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Bajio
3. Zuppas
4. Wingers
5. Chili's
6. Carino's
7. California Pizza Kitchen
8. Taco Bell

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to class
2. made a cake
3. steph came home from Logan
4. at orange chicken
5. ran up the stadium stairs 3 times
6. went to the gym
7. ran around the school track
8. got pulled over by a police for the first time (no ticket given )

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Grant to come home
2. the end of this semester
3. next year
4. my birthday
5. moving back to Arizona
6. quitting my job
7. getting married one day
8. being done with school and low paying jobs

8 things on my wish list:
1. a 4.0 this semester
2. peace in my apartment
3. a coat
4. Grant to come home safe
5. a happy family on Christmas
6. a christmas candle
7. some new MAC and Chanel make-up
8. the dark brown middle length Uggs

8 things I love:
1. Grant
2. my family
3. warm weather
4. getting my education
5. a warm bed
6. the gym/ Hip Hop Hustle
7. my friends
8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

8 things I can't stand:
1. contention
2. winter
3. mean people
4. dirty things, places, and people
5. hard tests
6. icy roads
7. driving to Idaho Falls for work
8. annoying people

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Caitlyn is Getting Married!!!!!!

My very good friend Caitlyn is getting married in a few weeks so us girls had to celebrate. Jessica and sydney came up from salt lake and we had a few good friends from here in Rexburg gather for the event.

Caitlyn singing in the car

I love Jess! she completes my life.

Caitlyn, me, and Jessica M. eating at Chili's (out favorite restaurant)

me and my roommate jess

Best friends

we had some good laughs over dinner. i love being around these girls when they laught, because they cry and cry and cry when they are laughing

we came back to my place for some yummy desserts.

Fruit Pizza


homemade oreo's and peanut butter cookies.

Caitlyn eating...i think we all gained 10 pounds this weekend

Present time---Tony will love all of her presents ;)

Jess got her a mu-mu

and it wouldnt be a party without our Cosmo reading

The night ended with a fun fun fun dance party. It was an amazing weekend and I am so excited for Caitlyn to get married. I am glad we all got to see each other before she gets married.

yummy dinner

A few weeks ago my friend emma made me a yummy dinner. We had bbq, homemade mac and cheese and a yummy apple dessert. thanks emma!