So Rob and I were supposed to pack, clean our apartments, check out and leave Rexburg on Saturday the 13th. Well on Friday the 12th I was lying in bed at about 9:00 am watching the TV Guide channel and the weather came on. The weatherman said there was a winter snow storm advisory from Friday evening to Wednesday the 17th. Well me being my winter-phobic self jumped out of bed and called Rob. He too had heard of the blizzard that was moving in. we knew we had to leave Rexburg ASAP.
To make a long story short I had to take my literature final, pack for one month, clean my bedroom, clean and pack up the kitchen, pass my clean check, and check out of my apartment in less than 3 hours. Rob also had to take a final, pack up all of his stuff, clean his room and apartment and pass his clean check. I have no idea how we did, but we did. And the good news is we beat the storm. The roads were perfectly clear. The bad news, it has not stopped snowing in Rexburg. My friend Betsy is still up there waiting for the weather to calm down so she can get home.
Okay so, moving on…
Saying goodbye to my roommates was very depressing. I loved all five of my roommates. When Lauryn came to say goodbye to me she broke into tears. She will not be back next semester because she got a job at Disneyworld. Saying goodbye to Steph was sad too. She is moving to Logan to get married. My other roommates I will see next semester though! Well I guess it is time to close this chapter in my life and start on a new chapter. With all that being said, all I have to say is…I loved fall 2008 semester.

This is a photo collage of all my close girlfriends. Sorry boys...
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