Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just About Me!

So my sister Barbara Jo convinced me to get a blog. After weeks of trying to figure out how it works, I finally got it up and running. So to start off I am going to tell you a little bit about myself:

I am 19 years old and I am home for the summer after attending my first two semester of University up at BYU-Idaho. I am not 100% sure what I want to do with my life, but right now I am flirting with the idea of elementary education. My dream is to some day go to culinary school. I am spending half of my summer in Utah with my mom and the other half in Arizona with my dad. Since I have been here in Utah I have worked as a substitute teacher and I love it! Once I get to Arizona I will either work at Nordstrom or National Future Benefits. So my life is full of uncertainty right now, but I kinda like it!

I love my family! I have 4 gorgeous sisters and one studly brother. I have two sets of parents and oodles of grandparents. I also have 4 nieces and 1 1/2 nephews. I do have a boyfriend too, he is serving a mission in Durban, South Africa and I miss him dearly!


BarbaraJo said...

Yay...look how advanced you are now. This is your new virtual journal.

Life at The Hadenfeldt's said...

Yeah! I am so glad you have a blog now. It's a nice way to be able to keep up with each other's life's.