Do you have any pets?
What was the last book you read?
eclipse...and i am in the middle of breaking dawn
Do you like to cook?
What's your favorite food?
i love italian food
Do you have brothers and sisters?
yes...two older sisters, an older brother, and two younger sisters
Which sport do you like?
i love to play tennis. i love to watch basketball and volleyball
Do you live alone?
nope. when i am at school i live with five other girls and when i am at home i live with my family
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
an apartment...brookside 201
Have you ever lived in another country?
i was born in canada
Have you ever met a famous person?
How do you spend your free time?
i love to shop and sleep
Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.
i used to love our family vacation to Canada every year.
What are your hobbies?
tennis, shopping, cooking, piano, violin, crafts, and reading
What countries have you visited?
mexico, canada, and the USA
Which country are you from?
i was born in Canada and lived there for a while but i have spent the majority of my life in the states
What do you do on Sundays?
go to church, sleep, study, and catch up with family
What do you do? What's your job?
i am a student at BYU Idaho. I work at Nordstrom in the handbag department during the holiday season, and i work at NFB in the summer
What kind of people do you like?
friendly people :)
Which languages do you speak?
english....i did take spanish 1 three times in high school. i dont remember any of it
Who do you respect the most?
Grant Connell Parry and my parents
Who has had the most influence in your life?
every member of my family
What do you think you will be doing five years from now?
married, graduated from BYUI with bachelor's degree in elementary education, living in utah or arizona, and a child or two :)
Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person?
How many times did you move as a child?
7 or 8 times
What kind of woman/man would you like to marry?
a special somebody whose name starts with 'gr' and ends with 'ant'
If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
i would love to start my own clothing store
What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
reading minds!
Are you a beach, country or city person?
city. i love the city.
Where do you spend most of your money?
nordstrom, express, wal mart, and BYU Idaho tuition office
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Greatest Christmas Present...
I am having so much fun here in Utah for Christmas vacation and I will post more about it later, but for now I just want to talk about the greatest Christmas present. I got to talk to Grant on webcam. He is so stinkin cute! I miss him so much and time flew by as I was talking to him. He is so wonderful. It was the best christmas present ever to get to talk to my missionary. I love him.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Life Back Home
Since arriving home in Utah, I have been busy busy busy. I have been catching up with old friends, going to all of Janelle and Louisa’s recitals, hanging out with the family, and working. I just want you all to know that working at Nordstrom is amazing! I absolutely love it. My manager is so sweet too.
Tonight Rob, Janelle, Louisa, Mom and I were all sitting in the family room and mom out of nowhere broke into a crazy mood. She started telling us stories about her childhood. It was absolutely hilarious. We were all rolling on the floor laughing. I have just decided that I have the world’s craziest mother. End of story.
Tonight Rob, Janelle, Louisa, Mom and I were all sitting in the family room and mom out of nowhere broke into a crazy mood. She started telling us stories about her childhood. It was absolutely hilarious. We were all rolling on the floor laughing. I have just decided that I have the world’s craziest mother. End of story.
Semester Ends
I made it through my third semester of college. I am so stinkin excited. I managed to pull all A’s and a B in my biology class. The end of this semester was rather sad. Usually I am stoked to be leaving Rexburg/school/roommates to go home for a little break, but this was not the case this semester. I loved all of my classes, professors, my class schedule, the beautiful fall weather, and my many new friends. I felt empty inside as I left my last class of this glorious semester. Oh I have a story…
So Rob and I were supposed to pack, clean our apartments, check out and leave Rexburg on Saturday the 13th. Well on Friday the 12th I was lying in bed at about 9:00 am watching the TV Guide channel and the weather came on. The weatherman said there was a winter snow storm advisory from Friday evening to Wednesday the 17th. Well me being my winter-phobic self jumped out of bed and called Rob. He too had heard of the blizzard that was moving in. we knew we had to leave Rexburg ASAP.
To make a long story short I had to take my literature final, pack for one month, clean my bedroom, clean and pack up the kitchen, pass my clean check, and check out of my apartment in less than 3 hours. Rob also had to take a final, pack up all of his stuff, clean his room and apartment and pass his clean check. I have no idea how we did, but we did. And the good news is we beat the storm. The roads were perfectly clear. The bad news, it has not stopped snowing in Rexburg. My friend Betsy is still up there waiting for the weather to calm down so she can get home.
Okay so, moving on…
Saying goodbye to my roommates was very depressing. I loved all five of my roommates. When Lauryn came to say goodbye to me she broke into tears. She will not be back next semester because she got a job at Disneyworld. Saying goodbye to Steph was sad too. She is moving to Logan to get married. My other roommates I will see next semester though! Well I guess it is time to close this chapter in my life and start on a new chapter. With all that being said, all I have to say is…I loved fall 2008 semester.

So Rob and I were supposed to pack, clean our apartments, check out and leave Rexburg on Saturday the 13th. Well on Friday the 12th I was lying in bed at about 9:00 am watching the TV Guide channel and the weather came on. The weatherman said there was a winter snow storm advisory from Friday evening to Wednesday the 17th. Well me being my winter-phobic self jumped out of bed and called Rob. He too had heard of the blizzard that was moving in. we knew we had to leave Rexburg ASAP.
To make a long story short I had to take my literature final, pack for one month, clean my bedroom, clean and pack up the kitchen, pass my clean check, and check out of my apartment in less than 3 hours. Rob also had to take a final, pack up all of his stuff, clean his room and apartment and pass his clean check. I have no idea how we did, but we did. And the good news is we beat the storm. The roads were perfectly clear. The bad news, it has not stopped snowing in Rexburg. My friend Betsy is still up there waiting for the weather to calm down so she can get home.
Okay so, moving on…
Saying goodbye to my roommates was very depressing. I loved all five of my roommates. When Lauryn came to say goodbye to me she broke into tears. She will not be back next semester because she got a job at Disneyworld. Saying goodbye to Steph was sad too. She is moving to Logan to get married. My other roommates I will see next semester though! Well I guess it is time to close this chapter in my life and start on a new chapter. With all that being said, all I have to say is…I loved fall 2008 semester.

This is a photo collage of all my close girlfriends. Sorry boys...
Monday, December 8, 2008
My Top Ten...
I have been tagged! These are my top ten beauty secrets that I swear by:
#1- Beauty Rush lip gloss by Victoria's Secret. It smells amazing and it looks wonderful on your lips. It has a hint of color so there is no need to lip stick. I love it!
#2- Okay I know this is not a beauty secret, but I had to include my favorite cereal. I love Raisin Bran Crunch. It is like dessert for breakfast. Try it, you will love it.

#3- A wide tooth comb. I discovered this little secret just a few months ago. I keep a wide tooth comb in my shower and i use is to comb my conditioner through my hair. Is is simply amazing. The difference is astonishing.

#4- L'Oreal Volume Shocking mascara. I have used this mascara for years. I have tried so many mascaras and this is the one that works for me.

#5- Mac eyeshadows...all i have to say is, I LOVE THESE! they have so many fun colors and they last forever.

#6- Ed Hardy perfume. I have never smelt anything so wonderful in my entire life (okay, maybe that is a little dramatic) but seriously, DE-LI-CIOUS!
#1- Beauty Rush lip gloss by Victoria's Secret. It smells amazing and it looks wonderful on your lips. It has a hint of color so there is no need to lip stick. I love it!

#3- A wide tooth comb. I discovered this little secret just a few months ago. I keep a wide tooth comb in my shower and i use is to comb my conditioner through my hair. Is is simply amazing. The difference is astonishing.

#4- L'Oreal Volume Shocking mascara. I have used this mascara for years. I have tried so many mascaras and this is the one that works for me.

#5- Mac eyeshadows...all i have to say is, I LOVE THESE! they have so many fun colors and they last forever.

#6- Ed Hardy perfume. I have never smelt anything so wonderful in my entire life (okay, maybe that is a little dramatic) but seriously, DE-LI-CIOUS!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lying in Bed Thinking....
Right now I am lying in my very comfortable bed just thinking. I have two weeks left in this semester and I still have to: write two reflective literature essays, read 15 talks about the Atonement, write a 4 page paper about the Atonement, read 6 English articles and then write a page summary for each one, I have to take a biology final, a literature final, and I have to complete 10 pages in my wellness workbook. Why do I procrastinate? Why am I lying in bed writing on my blog when I could be doing homework?
Now just a little update on my life… About a month ago I got a job at the Buckle. I enjoy working there and I love the 40% discount I get on the clothing there, But it is a ½ hour drive to work, the shifts are at least 8 hours and in order to keep my job I have to stay in Idaho over the Christmas break. Why oh why did I take this job? Well after much contemplation and a few unexpected events that happened in my life I quit and will be going home over the Christmas break. Luckily, Nordstrom has offered me a job for the two weeks before Christmas. I am excited to be home for the Holiday season!
Now just a little update on my life… About a month ago I got a job at the Buckle. I enjoy working there and I love the 40% discount I get on the clothing there, But it is a ½ hour drive to work, the shifts are at least 8 hours and in order to keep my job I have to stay in Idaho over the Christmas break. Why oh why did I take this job? Well after much contemplation and a few unexpected events that happened in my life I quit and will be going home over the Christmas break. Luckily, Nordstrom has offered me a job for the two weeks before Christmas. I am excited to be home for the Holiday season!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Louisa!
My baby sister is a teenager! I can not believe how much Louisa has grown up since I have left the house. I still remember her as a little baby and I for the life of me could not remember her name. Louisa and I have always had a special relationship. Whenever I come into town we always go get a smoothie, or a drink and go to Jump on It. Louisa is a very smart young lady who is full of energy and life. happy 13th birthday!

Home for a Week
I am home in Utah for the week and I have so much to do. I am going to write out my to do list and hope that everything gets done.
-go to costco
-clean my car
-go to lunch with jaycie, shan, and chelsea
-visit grandma walker
-play tennis with the family
-buy new make-up
-visit Jessica Seago
-learn a new song on the piano
-finish my english research paper
-substitute teach
-visit grant's family
-do at least 3 loads of laundry
-finish all health homework
well i better get started. :)
-go to costco
-clean my car
-go to lunch with jaycie, shan, and chelsea
-visit grandma walker
-play tennis with the family
-buy new make-up
-visit Jessica Seago
-learn a new song on the piano
-finish my english research paper
-substitute teach
-visit grant's family
-do at least 3 loads of laundry
-finish all health homework
well i better get started. :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
8 TV shows I watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate HouseWives
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Little People Big World
5. John and Kate plus 8
6. Friends
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lifetime Movies
8 favorite restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Bajio
3. Zuppas
4. Wingers
5. Chili's
6. Carino's
7. California Pizza Kitchen
8. Taco Bell
8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to class
2. made a cake
3. steph came home from Logan
4. at orange chicken
5. ran up the stadium stairs 3 times
6. went to the gym
7. ran around the school track
8. got pulled over by a police for the first time (no ticket given )
8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Grant to come home
2. the end of this semester
3. next year
4. my birthday
5. moving back to Arizona
6. quitting my job
7. getting married one day
8. being done with school and low paying jobs
8 things on my wish list:
1. a 4.0 this semester
2. peace in my apartment
3. a coat
4. Grant to come home safe
5. a happy family on Christmas
6. a christmas candle
7. some new MAC and Chanel make-up
8. the dark brown middle length Uggs
8 things I love:
1. Grant
2. my family
3. warm weather
4. getting my education
5. a warm bed
6. the gym/ Hip Hop Hustle
7. my friends
8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
8 things I can't stand:
1. contention
2. winter
3. mean people
4. dirty things, places, and people
5. hard tests
6. icy roads
7. driving to Idaho Falls for work
8. annoying people
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate HouseWives
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Little People Big World
5. John and Kate plus 8
6. Friends
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lifetime Movies
8 favorite restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Bajio
3. Zuppas
4. Wingers
5. Chili's
6. Carino's
7. California Pizza Kitchen
8. Taco Bell
8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to class
2. made a cake
3. steph came home from Logan
4. at orange chicken
5. ran up the stadium stairs 3 times
6. went to the gym
7. ran around the school track
8. got pulled over by a police for the first time (no ticket given )
8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Grant to come home
2. the end of this semester
3. next year
4. my birthday
5. moving back to Arizona
6. quitting my job
7. getting married one day
8. being done with school and low paying jobs
8 things on my wish list:
1. a 4.0 this semester
2. peace in my apartment
3. a coat
4. Grant to come home safe
5. a happy family on Christmas
6. a christmas candle
7. some new MAC and Chanel make-up
8. the dark brown middle length Uggs
8 things I love:
1. Grant
2. my family
3. warm weather
4. getting my education
5. a warm bed
6. the gym/ Hip Hop Hustle
7. my friends
8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
8 things I can't stand:
1. contention
2. winter
3. mean people
4. dirty things, places, and people
5. hard tests
6. icy roads
7. driving to Idaho Falls for work
8. annoying people
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Caitlyn is Getting Married!!!!!!
My very good friend Caitlyn is getting married in a few weeks so us girls had to celebrate. Jessica and sydney came up from salt lake and we had a few good friends from here in Rexburg gather for the event.
I love Jess! she completes my life.

Caitlyn, me, and Jessica M. eating at Chili's (out favorite restaurant)
Best friends
we had some good laughs over dinner. i love being around these girls when they laught, because they cry and cry and cry when they are laughing
Caitlyn, me, and Jessica M. eating at Chili's (out favorite restaurant)
yummy dinner
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New Pajamas
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Just a Little Update
Life is crazy crazy crazy. I am enjoying my time up here in Rexburg. I have great roommates, an awesome class schedule, a fun ward etc. Here are just a few pictures of what I have been up to.
So if you know me, you know that my favorite thing to do is give people makeovers. My roommate said I could give her one and here are the picutres. I am trying to convince her to color her hair brown but she is so against it. Anyways, here is her before picutre...

I have convinced my roommates to get gym passes with me so this is a documentation that we actually go EVERY DAY!

this is Stephanie my roommate ready to work out

So every year up in Rexburg there is this HUGE dance party. There are games, prizes, free food, and an amazing dance. These are pictures of me and my roommates getting ready to go.
So if you know me, you know that my favorite thing to do is give people makeovers. My roommate said I could give her one and here are the picutres. I am trying to convince her to color her hair brown but she is so against it. Anyways, here is her before picutre...
I have convinced my roommates to get gym passes with me so this is a documentation that we actually go EVERY DAY!
this is Stephanie my roommate ready to work out
So every year up in Rexburg there is this HUGE dance party. There are games, prizes, free food, and an amazing dance. These are pictures of me and my roommates getting ready to go.
This is Kbear and I
Stephanie and I

So this day Kbear and I happened to be matching. we both curled our hair, wore a white/black shirt, MEK jeans, and black flip flops. TOTAL ACCIDENT.

This was taken before church. We have 1:00 church so we always get bored waiting for 1:00 to roll around on Sunday.

Everynight me, Kbear, and steph jump into either my bed or steph's bed and we have a chat/cuddle session. We catch up on each others days and everything else that comes along with chatting with your best friends. After we chat kbear tucks me and steph into bed "like a burrito" and it is sweet dreams from there.

I had to opportunity to go home last weekend and I helped Janelle get ready for her homecoming date. I did her hair and make-up. she looked so pretty!

So this day Kbear and I happened to be matching. we both curled our hair, wore a white/black shirt, MEK jeans, and black flip flops. TOTAL ACCIDENT.
Everynight me, Kbear, and steph jump into either my bed or steph's bed and we have a chat/cuddle session. We catch up on each others days and everything else that comes along with chatting with your best friends. After we chat kbear tucks me and steph into bed "like a burrito" and it is sweet dreams from there.
I had to opportunity to go home last weekend and I helped Janelle get ready for her homecoming date. I did her hair and make-up. she looked so pretty!
Me and my two little sisters. I sure do miss them
So this picture has a story behind it...
about a month ago my good friend Tanner let me borrow one of his Michael Phelps pictures. It is a huge framed photo of Michael Phelps and it is a very good looking picture. Well he has been bothering me for the past few days to get this picture back and i have told him "No because I loved it too much." No joke, this picture has played a huge part in my life as well as my roommates lives. It serves as a huge motivation for us to go to the gym and every night we look at it and marvel at it. So Tanner decided to steal his picture back while I was at class. When Stephanie and I came home we freaked out. So we dressed up in our disguises and went to steal the picture back. Well it did not work out all that well and now we are Michael-Less. :(
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