Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Chapter in Life, New Blog
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The past few weeks I have been trying to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I must say that drinking that much water causes me to visit the restroom several times a day.
At work there are two bathrooms, the one downstairs and the one upstairs. I work on the first floor, so the downstairs bathroom and I are great friends. Well, today I was on my break at work and I really had to go to the restroom (for about the 7th time that day-no joke) and I decided that the first floor bathroom had probably seen enough of me, so I decided to take a little walk and go to the upstairs bathroom. As I was journeying up to the bathroom I was in my own little world-needless to say I was not paying attention to my surroundings or where I was going. As I entered what I thought was the women’s bathroom I saw a woman that looked EXACTLY like a man. Thinking I had entered into the men’s restroom and feeling pretty embarrassed I loudly state,
I ran out of the bathroom and headed for the one next to it only to find out that I really was in the women’s restroom. I feel terrible. How could I have made such a mistake? Oh man I most definitely learned my lesson on this one.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Happy Happy Joy Joy
#1-Going to Seattle to be a bridesmaid in Kayli's wedding
#2-Going to Disneyland with Jenna
#3-Being a bridesmaid in Ashley's wedding
#5-Possibly another trip to Disneyland with Grant and his family
Okay here is the most recent picture of myself. I just got glasses and I am trying really hard to get used to them. So far they bug the heck out of me, but they do make a huge difference. i had no idea my eyes were so bad.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
I Guess I Learned My Lesson
Let me start of with a little background info:
Winter semester ended early April this year. Shortly after that I made my way back home to Utah to live and work for the next year. If you know me you know that: #1-I get stressed out way too easily. #2- I hate sitting around. and #3- my biggest fear is not having a job when I desperately need one. As soon as I got home from school I started my mad hunt for a job. I even passed up a trip to Disneyland with the family so I could look for a job. For the first week or so I found nothing, heck I did not even hear back from any place I applied to. Then I called Alpine School District and Nordstrom to see if they had any open positions available. Luckily they both did. Right after I scored those two jobs I got a call back from a company that I interviewed with a few days earlier. I got three jobs in one day. I was very excited. I would sub once a week, work epiphany media center 4-5 days a week for 8 hours a day, and go to Nordstrom a couple of nights a week to work a closing shift. It was an ideal schedule. Too bad it only lasted one month. School got out so I no longer had a sub job, Nordstrom cut back my hours to 5- 10 hours a week, and epiphany media center had a significant drop is business and had to lay me off (stupid economy). So I was back at square one...this is where the story begins...
When I first started searching for jobs I filled out an application to work at ebay in SLC. I got an interview and they immediately told me after the interview that they had no openings. I did not really care because I never actually thought I would get a job at such an established company. Then I got the three jobs and life was great.
The day after I got laid off I started my mad hunt for a job again. I was pretty discouraged at this point. Putting yourself out there and being rejected time after time is very emotional. Then, a few days ago I got a call from Jeremy at Ebay. He said that they had a job opening and thought I would be the perfect canidate for it. I was thrilled. He offered me AMAZING pay, full benefits, a 401k, paid time off, 155 shares of stock for the company, etc etc. Without even thinking one second I accepted the job. Right before I hung up with Jeremy he said, "oh i forgot to tell you something. you will be working sunday-thursday." my heart sank as he told me that. i still accepted the job thinking there must be some way to get around working on sunday. I finally convinced myself that it would be alright if i worked every sunday and I just went to one hour of church every sunday from here on out. after all, it was an amazing job offer, and I was so sick of searching for a job.
I talked to my mom, big d, janelle, louisa, and rob about the job offer to see what they had to say about it. They all told me that i should not take the job and I will be blessed. My mom even said, "Heavenly Father is testing you right now. You got this amazing job offer but you have to work a full day on Sunday.He wants to see what you will do and if you have enough faith." That night I read my patriarchal blessing and I have a whole paragraph dedicated to keeping the sabbath day holy. That is when I knew that I should turn down the job. The next day I had to go into Ebay to sign some paperwork. I had full intentions to talk to somebody about the sunday shift.
When I arrived at ebay to sign paperwork I realized it was a group tour of the company, a group company welcome, and a group signing of paperwork. It was a little awkward to talk about my Sunday shift in front of a group. AFter i went on the tour of the company I fell in love and I once again decided that maybe I should keep the job. As I was driving home from ebay I got the idea to keep the job for the 6 week training (you do not work on sundays when you are training)and keep on searching for a job and then just quit once i found a job. (not the most honest thing to do, but i am in need of money)
once i got home I had a feeling to email my boss and let her know that I can not work on sunday. i told her that due to my religious beliefs and practices I would not be able to attend work on sunday, but i would still love the opportunity to still work there if they could just give me sunday's off. about a half hour later i get an eamil back basically saying:tough luck. take the shift or leave. i was back to discouraged mode. Doing the right thing is not always easy.
about 5 minutes after reading the email from my manager, I get a call from her. she said, "Rachel you will never believe this. Between the time I sent that email and the time I am calling you right now, someone has quit and a sat/sun off shift is available. would you like it?" i think i screamed into the phone, "YES!" I really was being tested and I chose the right thing to do. Heavenly Father in return blessed me with a great shift and an even better offer.
I know this all happened because I paid my tithing on sunday, i attended all 3 hours of church on sunday (even thought I only wanted to stay for 2), I listened to the council of my parents, and I trusted in the Lord. Life is good when you follow the commandments of God. I guess I learned my lesson:always keep the sabbath day holy.
I Do Not Run....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
ABC's (I was tagged)
B- Best Friend: I have way too sisters and mom, GRANT, shannon, ash hole, chels, etc.
C- Cake or Pie: CAKE! i love cake
D- Day of choice: friday. because you can stay out late because you know that you can sleep in the next day and you know you have two days ahead of you to do NOTHING
E- Essential Item: cell phone
F- Favorite Color: changes daily, but almost always is purple
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
H- Hometown: Lindon, Utah
I- Indulgence(s): florence chocolates, designer jeans, shoes, and brownies
J- January or July: January...BIRTHDAY MONTH!
K- Kids: Not yet. i should probably get married first
L- Life is incomplete without: My family, the church, my education
M- Marriage Date: single
N- Number of Siblings: 4 sisters, 1 brother
O- Oranges or Apples: oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: the back side of someones wrist
R- Reason to Smile: grant comes home soon!
S- Season: spring /fall. not too hot, not too cold
T- Television Show: desperate housewives, greys anatomy, SYTYCD, ellen and oprah
U- Unknown Fact About Me: my idea of fun is taking a nap and watching ellen and oprah
V- Very Favorite Store: Nordstrom, buckle and express
W- Worst Habit: sleeping in and not getting ready for work
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: I have only had an x-ray, so x-ray
Y- Your Favorite Food: anything mexican or italian
Z- Zodiac: Cancer. Aquarius.
I tag: bj, emma, christine, louisa,ash hole